CREATORS Cover Reveal

I am excited to return to the blogging world (yes, my summer goal is to get better at this)  to announce that in a few hours some of the coolest blogs around will be hosting the cover reveal for book three in the Lost Souls Series: The Creators.

Not only will over one hundred of the most bangarang (can you tell I’m thankful?) blogs in the reading world help welcome the cover for the final book in my first series into existence, but each of these blogs will showcase an excerpt from the novel itself! Pretty rad. All James and Tess fans should be pleased. Hint. Hint.

And that’s not all! You can now pre-order Creators for your very own collection!!! And that’s still not all. If you pre-order Creators before July 14th and send your confirmation code to, you will be entered to win one of three Mortal Instruments posters signed by Cassandra Clare.



So, check back tomorrow for the big reveal!