Six Sentence Sunday

So, I’ve finally decided to participate in Six Sentence Sunday. It took me awhile this morning to decide which six sentences from The Chosen Ones to share. You want to entice the reader, but don’t want to give too much away. (Don’t you hate spoilers?). I decided to share the first six sentences from the novel’s prologue…well, it’s not really a prologue, but more like a framing device. It sets the tone of the novel and offers the reader some insight as to the novel’s main conflicts. I hope you enjoy:

They taught us all the wrong things growing up.

They didn’t teach us what it meant to want.

Or that there was a certain kind of purity in feeling.

They taught us about lust but not love.

About losing power but not gaining it.

They didn’t teach us girls what we needed to know.

The Chosen Ones will be out in April!!

2012 Resolutions

Here are my 2012 resolutions

Wait. That won’t work.

I’m not big on resolutions. I’m not sure if it’s laziness, a need to buck against tradition, or an instinct that knows the minute I set one, I’ll do my best to break it. But I never come through with my New Year’s resolutions.

If I’ve learned anything over the past year it’s that I’ve got a lot of growing to do still. A lot of things to figure out. I will be turning 29 in the next month, and a part of me still feels like I’m fumbling through my teenage years. And while I’ve accomplished a lot in life, there’s still more work to be done.

But I can’t plan everything. I can’t control others…or even sometimes my own actions. And so instead of resolutions, I will post my hopes for 2012.

*I hope to not have to hide in shame when my debut novel comes out in April. I hope I don’t shy away from what I’ve worked so hard to complete.

*I hope to meet all my deadlines.

*I hope to return the social media love that has been given to me.

*I hope to embrace life and all its current craziness….great material for books, right?

*I hope to control what I can control, and let be what I can’t.